ALARM! :: I should have told you that movies in the afternoon are my weakness.

"Nobody should be a mystery intentionally. Unintentionally is mysterious enough."

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Moore nonsense

[Michael] Moore described good movies as a bridge across the political divide for people "tired of the hate, tired of the yelling, tired of ... the screamfests, the talk radio."

So people tired of yelling, hate and talk-radio style partisan hystrionics turn to Moore - the left's most renowned hyperventilator? That's utterly farcical - as wild and hypocritical an accusation as if Jerry Springer claimed people turn to daytime talk shows to avoid the peurile, circus-freak antics of daily newspapers. Keep on bloviating, Moore.


Blogger Ma Tiny said...

have you seen any michael moore movies? how is it hyperventilating to show what happens when crazy kids get guns and guys who got legacied through college lead the world's richest country?

violence is inherently upsetting. there's no shame in being upset about it. there's shame in being too cool to be upset.

July 30, 2005 6:01 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

Yes, I've seen F911 and a few episodes of The Awful Truth. I think the opening "replay" of the attack - sound with no picture - worked well, and when the film concentrated on the pain of war, it mostly worked. But Moore can't help but be a partisan rabble rouser, and all of his "evidence" indicting Bush or the Republicans was either patently false or completely insubstantial. See Christopher Hitchens' article on the film in Slate for a full rundown.

Moreover, Moore's other works - his books and personal speaking engagements - are the worst sort of liberal hysteria. I'd rather listen to (shudder) Michael Savage than listen to a Moore presentation. "There is no terrorist threat," huh? Tell that to the citizens of London.

This is not to mention the fact that his personal style is beyond arrogant. After a speaking engagement at University of North Florida in Jacksonville was cancelled, he still tried to collect the $40k he figured they owed him - for not speaking. Even dismissing the hubris it takes to consider an hour's worth of (usually late starting) unprepared ranting to be worth $40,000, this is fairlyoutrageous.

I won't deny his techical skill as a filmmaker. He's got a pretty solid sense of pacing, a sharp sense of irony and is fairly masterful at building overarching narratives through editing. But that doesn't mean that they're accurate or even representative, nor does it mean that he, as an individual, is any betterthan the flag-waving, homophobic nuts on the right who. like Moore, trade on loudmouthed bullying and somehow think its some lofty form of political rebellion.

July 31, 2005 1:10 AM  

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