ALARM! :: I should have told you that movies in the afternoon are my weakness.

"Nobody should be a mystery intentionally. Unintentionally is mysterious enough."

Friday, June 03, 2005

Jonah Goldberg needs some sleep

For those of you who don't read NRO's The Corner (and since I have only slightly more readers than Joan of Arc* has fans, it's bound to be a small number), you're missing out on the sort of exuberant, silly, and extremely lively debate that fulfills the web's promise of steam-of-thought-commentary from some of the country's best professional writers. It is virtually impossible to keep up with all that goes on there, as the entire NRO crew seems to post a fairly large portion of the thoughts they have each day, but discussions run the gamut from policy wonk details and clever readings of media bias to insult matches with James Wolcott and links to Flash zombie-murder games. In other words, it's fun.

And what other forum affords one the opportunity to see this sort of bleary, late night incoherence from a man of usually thundering precision like Jonah Goldberg, in which he provides the sort of disconnected, extemporaneous list of thoughts one might expect from a member of Monty Python impersonating Reihan Salam. A highlight:

30. Central Park is bigger than Monaco.

31. Flavors.

32. Half of all Americans are of below average intelligence.

33. Married men, on average, are more likely to be married than short men

*Joan of Arc the influential but now soundly despised Chicago art-rock group started by Tim Kinsella and originally part of the Jade Tree stable, not Joan of Arc the martyred medieval visionary. It's easy to make the mistake, so don't worry if you did.


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