Check please! TPMCafe is stodgy and joyless
Noonan says, at the end of her piece, "the great Satan of all liberals, still, is Richard Nixon," but this smacked of toadying desperation and wishful thinking. First of all, I don't know anyone who thinks Nixon's White House was any worse than Bush's, even with the harsh light of the Watergate investigation shining of Nixon's politics. Secondly, I never knew anyone who thought of Nixon as the "great Satan," but rather as "the most corrupt and repulsive American president in history." -Annie Lamott, TPMCafeGosh if we aren't feeling cranky and literal today. Does Ms. Lamott need someone to reiterate the definition of the world "analagy?" Here:
A form of logical inference or an instance of it, based on the assumption that if two things are known to be alike in some respects, then they must be alike in other respects.Ah well, it fits rather nicely with TPMCafe's humorless "stick to the policy, ma'am" approach. Is anyone actually excited by a blog that gives John Edwards another opportunity to gush gentlemanly blandness?
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