ALARM! :: I should have told you that movies in the afternoon are my weakness.

"Nobody should be a mystery intentionally. Unintentionally is mysterious enough."

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Making Out on Subways

Maybe it’s the onset of sun and warm weather, but I’m seeing an awful lot of this lately. I understand the appeal (obviously), but New York subways aren’t exactly the cleanest locations in the world. Fulton Street, for example, pretty much always smells like either urine, vomit, or a zesty combination of the two. Despite a much cleaner subway system, this never happens in D.C.—or at least I never saw it. What’s to blame? A slightly better developed sense of privacy owing to the lower population density? D.C.’s innate propriety, otherwise known as “I don’t want this to end up as a Roll Call item”-syndrome? Or is New York just better at finding and nurturing lovers? I know D.C. is all button-up and unfun and such, but it’s not like people don’t have sex there.

In other news, the super secretive New York all-girl email list that I am totally convinced exists (they probably have the sort of ID verification that Linden Labs could only dream of) apparently sent out notice that today was Officially Sun Dress Day. Honest to God. It was sunny yesterday, but there were still numerous coats and scarves and boots. And today, bam! Martha Stewart's memo played no part in this. I'm sure of it. No female will admit it, but there is an email list, or a secret message board where someone posts a codeword. Or something. I refuse to believe otherwise.

Dudes, on the other hand, have to resort to things like checking

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Blogger catherine said...

what happens is we buy sundresses in anticipation of the summer, which never seems to come, so the first genuinely warm day, all girls break them out simultaneously in glee. it *is* an odd phenomenon. but you're not complaining, right?

May 11, 2007 10:30 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

No. No complaints. Just the opposite, in fact.

But you're not going to convince me that the e-mail list -- or some sort of complex, secretive alert system (smoke signals? coded cloud formations? radio signals?) -- does not exist. And it's not just for the dresses, either, so I know it must be true.

May 11, 2007 12:27 PM  

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