ALARM! :: I should have told you that movies in the afternoon are my weakness.

"Nobody should be a mystery intentionally. Unintentionally is mysterious enough."

Thursday, March 02, 2006

TIMELORD's "multi-faceted etudes"

The only thing better than really good music criticism is reading (scroll down) the descriptions that bands write of themselves. And, of course, when those bands are of the utterly ludicrous old school metal variety, the kind who, without irony, call themselves Timelord--excuse me, TIMELORD (wouldn't want to forget the caps)--you don't really have much of a choice but to accept their assessment of what they humbly refer to as "the grandiose resonance emanating from the dark domain of the TIMELORD." You can check out their "commanding aural assault" at the band's very, very metal (and I say that with the authority of Someone Who Knows) MySpace page, but one glance at their airbrushed, pentagram-adorned logo will make it clear the band's bio should be believed when it states that, "as expected, all instruments are performed with razor-sharp surgical precision." Like a razor, people. A razor.

TIMELORD is a technical power/thrash-metal band based in Northern Virginia USA. First and86 foremost musicians, each member has the talent and dedication to stand out on his own. More importantly, they are a powerful group effort composed of highly proficient musical visionaries. TIMELORD was formed in January 2005 by guitarist Aaron Richert and guitarist/vocalist Matt Aub. Drummer extraordinaire Rick Hodes and bass prodigy Joe Konczal stepped in commandingly to fill the unoccupied rhythm section. The band immediately began assembling the very best heavy-metal compositions they could create. Intros, outros, verses, etc. were revised to perfection. The resulting songs were recorded and compiled into an impressive debut album called Regeneration. The album is scheduled to be released worldwide in late summer/early fall 2006. TIMELORD's compositions are sonically dense, filled with dark minor keys and heavily orchestrated rhythm guitar work. The band's multi-faceted etudes leave listeners entranced- never knowing what lies behind the next cymbal crash. The abundant use of melodic chorus sections adds a strong European elegance to TIMELORD's aggressive speed-metal sound. In addition- tempo and meter changes inflect progressive concepts into the ensemble's commanding aural assault. As expected- all instruments are performed with razor-sharp surgical precision. Intelligent composition and songwriting, soaring vocal melodies, intricate water-tight rhythms, blazing guitar solos, rock-solid bass work and highly precise drumming are the core elements that form the grandiose resonance emanating from the dark domain of the TIMELORD.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Conservative Christian, and I play in a secular heavy metal band called Battle Cry- . My name is Trevor Lane, if you check out my personal activism pages at you will see that I am fighting the fight for God fearing America. This blog is totally absurd. Heavy Metal has had dark under and over-tones throughout its history, in fact Rock n' Roll as a hole has – see Elvis, The Beetles, The Kinks, etc... Even Stryper has taken flack. You’re of the school that says that Iron Maiden’s The Number of the Beast, or even Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings is Satanic. Sorry, in fact it’s based on the scripture from Revelation and the Omen horror movies, and the rest are all fiction that has never been intended to be taken as anything else. I am also a friend and musical collaborator with Matt Aub, TIMELORD’s guitarist and lead vocalist. And, I can say from experience that he is a warm stand-up guy who exudes the love for his fellow man that “Christians” are supposed to have. I don’t know what his personal religious convictions are, and I don’t care. I know that he is a decent human being and that he’s not the type to surround himself with people who don’t have high moral and ethical character. Take the music and imagery, and bio at face value, don’t look for hidden, deeper meaning, because it’s not there. Thinking like this leads to true heresy - The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule by their own power; And My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?
Jeremiah 5:30-32 NKJV

March 16, 2006 1:43 PM  

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