ALARM! :: I should have told you that movies in the afternoon are my weakness.

"Nobody should be a mystery intentionally. Unintentionally is mysterious enough."

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Nick Sylvester, fabulist

Pitchfork record crit preener and Village Voice editing, Andrew Sullivan-vetted Posuer Award winner Nick Sylvester can't hack the front page pressure. Gawker has the juicy parts. Guess he got Gamed, literati-style. New York Observer sure to dish the final-say dirt shortly.

UPDATE: Sylvester is claiming the false events are "composites," to which he should've at least had the wit to add, "you know, like New York Magazine." Looks like little Nicky used to work for the Harvard Lampoon--guess someone forgot to revoke his license to make shit up.

As for the whole Pick Up Artist (sorry, "PUA") Game-book thing, it appears to be at least a semi-real phenomenon, though it also looks like it's largely just a bunch of cads systematizing their barspeak and get-laid banter, which sounds to me like a more organized version of what pretty much all packs of young, single, nightspot prowlers do anyway.

UPDATE 2: From the bitter snarkers at Reverse Shot, the best (and by that I mean cruelest and most accurate) take on Slyvester's downfall yet.

UPDATE 3: The details pour in. Gawker reports that, contrary to rumors posted on FishbowlNY, Doug Simmons is (at least for now) remaining the acting editor of the Voice. Apparently he "adores" Sylvester. I suppose there are folks who adore their 3 legged 1 eyed dogs too. And there's more! Heartonastick digs up a couple of revealing Nick Sylvester penned articles with foreboding (in retrospect) quotes, including the forehead-slap inducing, "We need bullshit, precisely to expose it as such--or maybe I'm just being defensive," and previous complaints about Sylvester's reliability. Personally, I'm approximately equally concerned about his truth telling ability and the fact that he writes like an ass.

FINAL UPDATE (for now): Nick Sylvester forced to quit Pitchfork!


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