Ron Paul piece at NRO
I've got a piece on Ron Paul up at NRO today. Internet Paulites (is there a nickname for the die hard web Paul fans yet?) commence swarming... now.
Update: I see that I'm getting a lot of hits from Facebook, and that at least one person has written that I "actually want to be swarmed." Well, I mean, I know that's what I wrote, but I was at least a little bit kidding. From talking to some other journalists, I'd sort of been under the impression that anyone who wrote anything about Paul automatically got a dump truck full of email delivered 15 minutes after the piece went live. So I figured I'd just pull the starting gun myself.
That said, I encourage email, comments, etc. and certainly won't argue if anyone links to this site.
Labels: NRO, politics, shameless self promotion
Thanks Peter.
A fair article about Ron Paul is hard to find – if at all. The mainstraem newspapers ignore him and his positions.
I am a German follower of the GOP and found in Ron Paul the first republican candidate I really like.
After watching the two debates on TV, I guess he is the only republican who has the ability and personality to win the hearts and minds of the American people and people worldwide.
Feels nice to be an (Internet) Paulite!
Ron Paul Roundup:
Video From Ron Paul Campaign - Educating Rudy Press Conference
Ron Paul On Real Time With Bill Maher
Malkin attacks Paul on 9/11 questions - YouTube Video
Ron Paul Votes Database - Washington Post
Five Ron Paul Videos With Over 100,000 Views Apiece
Well... since you asked for the swarming... ;-)
Thank you so much for your positive article! I've gotten advice from journalists not to thank writers for positive articles, lest the writer than begin to question his objectivity. But if you want praise, here it is: your article's supportive, positive take on RP brightened my day and the day of many of his supporters. It's great to know that people are starting to take him seriously. I sure do. An America under the leadership of RP would filled with liberty, freedom and peace. Now that's an America worth campaigning for!
Good article. Thanks.
I wish every one could be educated about the ideas Ron Paul stands for and how they can help our country.
I wouldn't say Ron's opposition to the war is against the mainstream GOP, polls have shown that the majority of Americans (of any political affiliation) are against the Iraq war at this point in time.
Ron Paul is what this country needs to reverse the otherwise irreversible harm that the Bush Administration has done to this country. When Jimmy Carter (recently) referred to the Bush Administration as the 'worst in history,' he was certainly onto something.
Besides, if anyone's worried about Ron Paul gutting the nation of its departments and federal programs, I'm sure any mainstream Congress would easily put a stop to much of it. It's doubtful that he'd actually be successful at eliminating the Department of Education. This is what we need though, a Congress that does not agree with the President. It's checks and balances at its best.
Thanks for posting the article.
- A proud Paulite
Ron Paul is awesome. I'm a college student, and have been doing everything I can to get his name out. Everyone I've talked to are very happy that they are now informed of Ron Paul. My friends and I have been putting up signs and passing out flyers. Believe me, this is not something that my friends and I would normally be doing. Its great to see normally unpolitical people with so much respect and love for Ron Paul and his message of freedom and liberty. Keep it up Dr. Paul. You're reaching more people than you could ever believe.
I think Ron Paul is a good man.
Its tough to find any article that isn't extremely critical of, or in favor of, Ron Paul. Although most everyone seems to be strongly for or against Ron, it should be noted that he draws supporters from every party.
Even if people don't entirely agree with his policies (like some of my liberal buddies who favor socialized health care) they appreciate his sincerity. I think that, more than anything else, people appreciate sincerity and honesty. Thats why RP is drawing in such enthusiastic support.
If you called for it...Go Ron Go.
"including staunch government-cutters like Newt Gingrich"
- One of the reasons Ron Paul is getting support is that people don't believe statements like this anymore. Who here could really believe that Newt has the backbone to cut spending? First time someone says he is cutting school lunches he will raise spending.
John Hawkins, “Ron Paul’s people spam these polls… Paul’s our Dennis Kucinich. He’s not a conservative. He’s a libertarian. He’s a kook, and his supporters are pretty obnoxious.”
- There are plenty of people in the field that have a record of not being conservative including the whole "top tier".
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