ALARM! :: I should have told you that movies in the afternoon are my weakness.

"Nobody should be a mystery intentionally. Unintentionally is mysterious enough."

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Sharp 'Eyes'

Despite my stated general antipathy toward this type of movie, I have to admit, this is a fairly clever trailer. Far too often, trailers give away the whole movie--all the major narrative twists, all the best lines, the coolest effects shots, the smartest conceptual ploys--and for genre movies that ride on their ability to shake up familiar formulas, that's deadly and stupid. You already know what to expect; a trailer shouldn't have to drill it into you, kindergarten-style, yet again. Clever teasers like this one assume, quite correctly, that you know what's coming already (a lot of wildly implausible pain and gore), and, instead of going on about plot details that don't really matter anyway, sell you on tone and sensibility. I have no desire to see The Hill Have Eyes 2, but if I was the kind of person who did, this is a trailer that would certainly sell me a ticket.

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