That is, like, soooo meta
Over at TechLiberation, Tim Lee and Jim Harper invite fellow tech wonks and internerds to assist them with a--hold on for dear life while I type this--peer produced paper on peer production. It's like if Charlie Kaufman were to write a policy paper. Just thinking about it puts my brain in the gravitron. Yeesh.
And while you're there, read Adam Thierer's awesome smackdown of the critics of so-called "predatory pricing" of game consoles. Paragraphs like this are what 2006 is all about, kids:
Unless he wants to make the argument that video game consoles have suddenly become life essential goods on par with food and water, his argument is just plain silly. After all, would anyone die if they had to wait a few weeks before they bought a stand-alone video game console at regular retail prices? How spoiled are we as a culture when we're even having a debate about fair video game console allocation?
Personally, I'm waiting for some indignant to socialist to just come out and demand console game equality for all citizens. And that means two controllers. No skimping!
Labels: ideology, new media, technology
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