ALARM! :: I should have told you that movies in the afternoon are my weakness.

"Nobody should be a mystery intentionally. Unintentionally is mysterious enough."

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Blogging Will be Televised

I know this site has started to seem like TV and Culture recently, and I promise I will talk about movies again soon. Things have been hectic recently, and, especially with the new Fall season, most of my viewing has been television rather than film. When I was wee, a stern adult would likely have warned me that so much TV was bound to give me square eyes, or at least poor vision. Despite my best efforts, neither ever occurred.

(I wonder: In the age of 16:9 televisions, do adults now warn kids that they'll get rectangular eyes? Or is it just a moot point because has Steven Johnson won the Everything Bad is Good for You wars and convinced the nation's parents that watching 24 and playing Xbox are good for kids? I certainly hope not. Even though I basically agree with his thesis, I also kids need to be warned away from such pop culture trivialities. They're going to take an interest in them no matter what, but if they don't have someone to argue with about why such entertainments are worthwhile, they'll never learn to approach the stuff critically. Sometimes you have to apply a little bit of authoritarian pressure in order to teach people to fight back. As with building muscle, building critical thinking skills requires one to encounter some resistance.)

Addendum: I saw this and this today. One of them was good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have absolutley no idea which of those two movies is going to be good. I wish you would tell me which one was good instead of leaving me hanging like this. I'm on pins and needles.

October 11, 2006 5:13 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

Part of me thinks you might be kidding, because one of those movies is guaranteed to be horrid (and it's actually worse than what the trailer promises). Or maybe you're kidding because it's doubtful that anyone cares on way or another. That's probably just about true.

October 11, 2006 10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right--I was kidding. I expect the Prestige to be at least really good. After all it is a Nolan picture (Insomnia and Batman were both great, Memento not so much). Robin Williams, on the other hand, has never been funny in anything and this movie is apparently so bad that they can't find even one funny joke to put in the advertisements for it. When will he learn that dumb jokes don't become funny just becuase you tell them really, really fast. I assumed your point was that it was so blindingly obvious which of these two movies was going to be good and which wasn't that it didn't even need to be said.

By the way, love the blog.

October 12, 2006 12:07 PM  

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