World Trade Center review in NRO
I'm in NRO this morning with a somewhat contrarian review of Oliver Stone's 9/11 film (doesn't that phrase just sort of make you shudder?), World Trade Center. Unlike many conservatives whom I have the utmost respect for (as well, it appears, as most general critics), I wasn't entirely thrilled with the film.
Just shy of five years past 9/11, it would be impossible to completely disentangle the film from the previous political outbursts of its director or our all-too fresh memories of the tragic events it portrays. For even the most distant observers, the emotional wounds created by 9/11 are still tender, and any viewing of this film will necessarily be tinted by personal feeling. The question, then, becomes how much to let these dredged up emotions color one’s view of the movie. For World Trade Center is an unastounding film about our most astounding day, and how one reacts to it will depend on whether one sees it as cinema or as tribute.Read the whole thing at National Review Online.
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