ALARM! :: I should have told you that movies in the afternoon are my weakness.

"Nobody should be a mystery intentionally. Unintentionally is mysterious enough."

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Superman Returns review at NRO

Superman Returns kicks off the July 4th box-office bonanza today, and National Review Online has my review. Here's a bit of the high-flying action you'll find there:
Yet for all its devotion to the original Superman mythos, there are some significant departures, particularly in the character of Superman himself. Like Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt in this summer’s Mission: Impossible sequel, Superman has been softened for our newly refined modern sensibility. Where he was once a confident, courageous hero who chose to play Clark Kent as awkward in order to conceal his identity, he’s been redefined as a tentative, emotionally confused young man. Much of the movie concerns Superman/Kent’s struggle to reconcile his lingering affection for Lois Lane. Just what is a superhero supposed to do with all those pent-up feelings? Those of us without secret identities might go for a walk or take a drive; Superman, on the other hand, tends to fly around aimlessly or hover dejectedly in space. Because it’s like, so empty, and he’s so lonely, dude.

Amusing side note: while writing the review, I actually typed the words "Man of Pink Fluffy Cushions." Don't know how that happened, really.


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