And the forehead slapping commences...
Arctic Refuge Action, a group opposing exploring for oil at ANWR has a weblog in which they feature, among other things, a picture of some of their members standing in front of a logo-painted minivan. If anything, this is an implicit recognition of the necessity for oil, all the more reason we should be getting it from ANWR.
Their insta-letter to Congress includes this fun line:
Any drilling in the Refuge would mean permanent and irreparable harm to wildlife, and would betray our moral responsibility to save wild places like the Arctic Refuge for future generations.
To call this a "moral responsibility" has got to be someone's idea of a joke. Our moral responsibility is to provide the highest standard of living as possible for as many humans as possible, and, judging from that minivan, humans need oil. As with so much liberal do-gooding, it plays off the entirely fallacious idea that anything natural is also inherently good when, as a general rule, the opposite is true. Just as babies have to be taught to restrain their natural impulses, and indeed, adults must continually fight to control their own, natural settings seem poorly designed to meet human needs without significant tinkering.
It’s widely known that the surest path to higher standards of living in any given nation is development and wealth creation. “Natural” existence is a poor substitute for one in which man exerts his wealth and will to customize nature for his purposes. Only the stupid-rich have the luxury to think otherwise – a luxury, amusingly enough, created by the industry that these airheads so despise.
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