They're already here indeed

As if you needed any further convincing to see War of the Worlds, Yahoo is hosting a new web-only trailer for our annual July 4th alien invasion celebration, guest sponsored this year by Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise (Will Smith is on vacation). With some tantalizing glimpses of ILM's sure to be jaw-dropping tripods, it's the best trailer yet for a film that, despite scads of advertising, has managed to keep an aura of mystery all the way up to its release date. In a little less than a week, Steven Spielberg attempts to return to form with the awe and wonder* that made him a legend - and if that fails, there's always the fun of having nasty aliens scare the hell out of you through the vicariously vacuous vessel we know as Tom Cruise. Damn that dude's got good hair.
*Not to be confused with "shock and awe," though Rummy's pushing to have actual aliens attack Earth next summer. The CGI unions, of course, are up in arms, but since when has the other Donald ever cared about organized labor?
*Not to be confused with "shock and awe," though Rummy's pushing to have actual aliens attack Earth next summer. The CGI unions, of course, are up in arms, but since when has the other Donald ever cared about organized labor?
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